Groomed from Rugged Edge to Watsons Pond Road to Tower Road and to the Ring Road. Travelled over to where the groomed trail crosses Massey Drive and dropped the drag. Tracked in from there back through the tunnel past the water treatment plant and turned around at the orange barricade/re-route and tracked back to drag. Attempted to track in City Tire trail but alot of open water holes and boggy section with low snow. They would need to be bowed in. Continued tracking over Marble to the intersection and then out to Steady Brook. Lots of trail repair with low snow. Tracked back over marble and picked up the drag. Groomed from Massey Drive over Marble to the intersection and back. Then groomed from ring road back to Rugged Edge.
Groomed from Hughes Brook to Camp 10 and into Humber Valley Resort. Groomed back to Camp 10 and returned to Hughes Brook.
